Technical Data
Blendex® 200 is a high flow color concentrate ABS resin.
Provides compatibility with a wider range of ABS grades than many color concentrate bases.
Provides good dimensional stability, heat distortion and impact resistance.
Allows better pigment dispersion than pellets.
Allows concentrate manufacturers to produce both pelletized and dry blend concentrate.
Provides a base resin with less heat history than pellets.
Allows for high flow.
Can be used as a color concentrate base resin in ABS, PVC, and SAN.
Suitable for alloying with polymers to improve melt flow, heat distortion, and other properties.
材料狀態 • 已商用:當前有效
供貨地區 • 北美洲 • 亞太地區
性能特點 • 流動性高 • 食品接觸的合規性
機構評級 • FDA 未評級
外觀 • 白色
形式 • 粉狀
物理性能 額定值 單位制 測試方法
比重 1.01g/cm³ ASTM D792
表觀密度 0.37g/cm³ ASTM D1895
熔流率 (230°C/3.8 kg) 3.7g/10 min ASTM D1238
沖擊性能 額定值 單位制 測試方法
懸壁梁缺口沖擊強度 (3.18 mm) 370J/m ASTM D256
硬度 額定值 單位制 測試方法
洛氏硬度 (R 計秤) 101 ASTM D785
Volatiles: 1.5 %
Mean Particle size: 250 microns