Technical Data
Blendex® 703 is a high heat ABS resin, and is based on alphamethyl styrene acrylontrile butadiene styrene (AMS-ABS).
Increases the service temperature of PVC and other polymer blends.
Provides compatibility with PVC at all concentrations.
Combines the benefits of a heat distortion modifier and an impact modifier for non-weatherable applications.
Improves melt strength and grain retention.
Can be alloyed with ABS or PVC to improve heat resistance.
Potential applications include:
• Thermoformed parts requiring excellent emboss retention
• Automotive Instrument Panel Skins, Door Panel Skins and Profiles
• Appliances and business machine housing
• Pipe for conveying hot fluids
• Dark colored exterior siding substrate
材料狀態 • 已商用:當前有效
供貨地區 • 北美洲 • 亞太地區
外觀 • 白色
形式 • 粉狀
物理性能 額定值 單位制 測試方法
比重 1.05g/cm³ ASTM D792
表觀密度 0.34g/cm³ ASTM D1895
硬度 額定值 單位制 測試方法
洛氏硬度 (R 計秤) 114 ASTM D785
熱性能 額定值 單位制 測試方法
熱變形溫度 (1.8 MPa, 未退火) 116°C ASTM D648
Volatiles: 1.5 %
Butadiene: 14 %
Mean Particle size: 125 microns